USA Socialism
so what do all you neo-cons think of all this government bailout of wall st and shit that's been happening these past few days? isn't this totally what you guys stand up against and why you'll be voting for mccain and not obama this coming november, because the former will be more laissaz faire and not impose his socialistic government on private business the way obama hussein wants to with universal healthcare? i'm just surprised that nobodies said anything regarding this stuff these past few days.
so it's ok for the government to bail out big business and shady businessmen and speculators on wall st who make shitty loans and investments, but not ok for them to help out the single working mother of 3 in the robert taylor homes who can't pay her electric bill because gas prices are too high and she has to put food on the table? welfare is allright for the former but not for the latter? why, because one wears a tie and a white shirt and shops at armani, but the other wears a pink shirt and black shoes and shops at goodwill and the salvation army?
and how do you feel about your boy, Dubya, and his oh so strict fiscal and governmental conservatism, what is supposed to be a hallmark and selling point for the repulican party in the first place? when you add up these wall st bailouts, his blue light special wars in the herion mountains and the oil reserve desert, along with his creation of whole new sections of government (department of homeland defense), isn't he just the paradigmatic example of what a good republican and fiscal and small government conservative should be? if husseinmessaih did half as much spending and creation of government that Dubya has done, you guys would be calling him a commie bastard and saying his granddad was freidrich engels evil socialist brother.
i guess i just want to see a little more consistency out of you when it comes to your positions. if your against government spending and are for small government, be against it regardless of whether a republican or democrat is endorsing it. if you are pro life, then be pro life across the board, stand up for both the unborn fetus and the death row inmate and the civilian casualities of war and those innocent men who were tortured and killed in guantanamo bay and for our own soldiers who died in these wars. this position would be the true pro life position.
but basically i dont' understand what is exactly happening on wall st right now and it would be nice if somebody helped it explain it to me, because this is yet another bill that our children and grandchildren will be paying for long after we are wormfood.
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