
Thursday, August 21, 2008

What makes a radical?

When asked why they supported the 9/11 attacks, the radicals gave
political rather than religious reasons.

from the May 16, 2008 edition

Various studies of Muslim terrorists show that most are not graduates
of madrassahs but of private or public schools and universities; most
are from middle- and working-class backgrounds; some are devout and
others are not. This survey confirms these findings:

•Among the Muslims surveyed, 7 percent condoned the 9/11 attacks. The
study terms these the "politically radicalized."

•When asked why they supported the attacks, the radicals gave
political rather than religious reasons. They have a sense of
political frustration and feel humiliated and threatened by the West.
Those who opposed the attacks often gave religious reasons for doing

•The radicals, on average, are not the down-and-out people in society.
They are more educated than moderates, and two-thirds of radicals have
average or above-average income. Forty-seven percent supervise others
at work. They are more optimistic about their own lives than are
moderates (52 percent to 45 percent).

Radicals are no more religious than the general population and do not
attend mosque more frequently.

•What distinguishes them is not their perception of Western culture or
freedoms, but their perception of US policies. Even radicals say they
support democracy. But 63 percent of radicals do not believe that the
United States will allow people in the region to fashion their own
political future without direct US influence