Totally Awesome Christian Mysticism Site!
here, here, and here are some links to the articles i actually read from this site, and here is a link to the guys blog page. i'll just copy what i said in my email that i sent out to my friends informing them about these sites below:
i'm sure some of you will disagree with a lot of what's said here, especially the 'god is love' section, but it presented some new arguments i haven't heard before for universal salvation and against eternal damnation (infinite punishment for a finite offense?), and the guy seems to know his scripture pretty well too.
also, i thought that the biblical panentheism section was just awesome, but i'm a panentheist, so of course i would think its awesome. begging my own question here i guess (does that even make sense?) oh yeah, it's about christian mysticism, and not about islam or sufism, for those of you who think i'm predictable.

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