Mystical Monotheism
So I'm reading this book 'The Problem of Existence' by Arthur Witherall for my Metaphysics class with Quentin, and I ran across these two passages which were so awesome I just had to record them for you all to see. Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did!
this is a passage from the Rig Veda, one which I've probably quoted before
'And in the ONE there arose love: Love the first seed of the soul. The truth of this the sages found in their hearts: seeking in their hearts with wisdom, the sages found that bond of union between Being and non-being.' p82.
'The essence of mystical theism is the feeling that, as William Blake said, we can see a world in a grain of sand [the whole universe existing inside of each particular in the universe], and heaven in a wild flower [the realm of God is all around you]. It is a direct intuition that the infinite has been realized here and now within finite things. This intuition is not universal, and the paradox involved in its expression that the whole may transcend itself, may lead us to unbelief through incomprehension. Yet this sense of incomprehension has two sides to it. For where the atheist finds a plain contradiction, the believer recognizes the mystery of divine love.' p85