
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Derrida's Duality

SO i was reading habermas transcendence from within, transcendence in this world article, and I decided that I needed to start reading his stanford encyclopedia of philosophy entry (plato.stanford.edu) and from that, I found out that he debated with Derrida and that they were friends up until the latter's death in 2004 from cancer.  since i've never studied Derrida and I've heard so much about him, I finally decided to plunge through his Stanford entry as well and I'm glad I did, especially the part I just read about the separation between the hearer and the speaker in a person's mind, maybe this is the beginning and the secret of duality that I've been searching and looking for for 15 years now, since first reading Kryon's book, it's definitely food for thought but I thought I would share with you all my crib notes on derrida that i'm making my timelines for my exams for, enjoy, i'll also include my habermas one's below, which I've created today and which I will add to over the next few days, eureka!

Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) French-Jewish – founder of deconstructionism, part of new philosophical movement ‘incorruptibles’ with Foucault and Deleuze that emphasize refinement paradox and aporia [which means criticism and skepticism], subject and machine are internal to one another yet remain distinct [thus, same and different at same time] because no one is able to separate irreplaceable singularity and machine-like repeatability (Derrida’s “iterability”) into two substances that stand outside of one another or reduce one to the other so that we would have one pure substance (with attributes or modifications) so it’s the limit between the subject and machine is both indeterminate and divisible, is this a kind of radical wholism?, all events are both unique and repeatable at the same time with present future and past, experience of the same (I am thinking about myself) is the experience of the other (insofar as I think about myself I am thinking of someone or something else at the same time), purity is illusion because everything infects and contaminates everything else, ‘Babelization’ or internal translation of idioms [general shorthand labels for associated and similar groups ex: Washington meaning whole USA government or Hollywood meaning whole USA film industry] within specific language prove that pure objective prescriptivist language theory is false and should be criticized,  responsible guardians of heritage of Kantian transcendental idealism so Neo-Kantian concern with necessary and foundational conditions of experience, Derrida’s psychological duality is that at the very moment when I silently speak to myself in my mind, it must be the case that there is a miniscule temporal gap that differentiates me into both the speaker and into the hearer at almost the same time so that I am differentiated from myself because I must be both hearer as well as speaker,

 Jürgen Habermas (1929-) German – Greatest 2nd Generation Frankfurt School Critical Theorist, critical theory is not unique because it endorses this or that theory or method but because it unites the normative with the empirical, philosophical fallout from Heideggar’s silence about rejecting Nazism led him to Anglo-Analytical Philosophy especially pragmatism and participatory democracy, methodological atheism of radical demythologization, counterculture student protests of the 60’s led him to criticize the elitist technocracy of scientific political and bureaucratic experts because by reducing all questions about goodness and morality and policy to these experts, these elitists eliminate the need for public democratic dialogue about values which thereby depoliticizes the non-expert population, but this doesn’t necessarily lead to oppressive social domination like Horkheimer and Adorno thought, ideal speech situation