Join the Movement
So i sent this email out to people and thought I would post it on my blog because I always seem to talk about philosophy, religion, or my personal thoughts on here and never post anything about my political views. Well, you want politics, you got politics! Enjoy
If any of you care at all about this country and it's future, you should read this below and check out this website. I know some of you will dismiss this as conspiracy theory nonsense, but at least read this, do a little bit of research, and come to your own conclusions, like I have. A wise man once said if you want to know the truth, follow the money. also, the first law of detective work is that when a crime is comitted, find out who benefitted the most from it. If you follow these two principles, I think you will come to similar conclusions as reached below. I think this is so important that I am sending to to everybody on my email list, which means I'm sending this to 'older' people as well, so please use some discretion in your responses. Imagine your 5 year old or your mom was reading your response and go from there. By the way, Grad school is really, really difficult, 400 pages of reading a weak, 100 of it being really difficult philosophy, but I'm doing ok. Talk to you soon, Jason
Ever since the moment of the first impact at the World Trade Center, a struggle has raged between two broad, competing ideas of what really happened on September 11th, 2001.
The US administration delivered an almost immediate verdict, which can be described as follows: Dispatched by Osama Bin Ladin's network and motivated by hatred and religious fanaticism, 19 suicide bombers hijacked four planes, crashed three of them into their targets, and caused the collapse of the Twin Towers as a consequence of the resulting damage and fires. The 19 men did not necessarily require any accomplices within the United States; and no one in the US government could have possibly anticipated or prevented the attacks.
Even as the administration exploited this Official Story (or "Official Conspiracy Theory") as the pretext to launch new wars long in the making, independent researchers began to accumulate a vast body of evidence suggesting a different narrative for 9/11: that of the Inside Job.
The 9/11 events and the anomalies in the official story raised Unanswered Questions about:
- the unprecedented failure of the US air defense system on the morning of the attacks;
- the AWOL military chain of command during the actual attacks, including the inexplicable behavior of the presidential entourage;
- the seeming impossibility of official claims with regard to Flight 77;
- the evidence that Flight 93 was shot down;
- contradictions and dubious evidence in the official claims about the alleged hijackers and masterminds, and doubts about their real identities;
- signs that the alleged hijackers enjoyed high-level protection against discovery by honest investigators;
- evidence that the alleged hijackers were financed by states allied with US intelligence;
- suspicious and massive international financial trades suggesting foreknowledge of the attacks;
- widespread signs of official foreknowledge and, in fact, advance preparation for the 9/11 attack scenario;
- the long-running links between Islamist fundamentalist terror cells and US covert operations, dating back to CIA support for the anti-Soviet mujahedeen and Osama Bin Ladin himself;
- the demolition-like collapse of the Twin Towers and of a third skyscraper, WTC 7;
- and questions concerning who could have logically expected to derive benefit in the aftermath of a massive attack on the United States.
The suspicions received further confirmation a few weeks after September 11th, with the arrival of anthrax letters targeted only at opposition politicians and media figures, and timed to coincide with the introduction of the USA PATRIOT Act.
Already within those first weeks, loose networks of researchers and investigators formed via the Internet to generally become known as the "9/11 skeptics." They presented substantial bodies of evidence to show that elements within the US government must have been involved in facilitating or orchestrating the attacks - in other words, that 9/11 was possibly a classic case of "false-flag" or synthetic terrorism, such as corrupt states have often perpetrated on their own citizens.
What motive would people in the US government or establishment have to commit crimes of this magnitude? The outrage caused by September 11th allowed the present administration to instantly implement policies its members have long supported, but which were otherwise infeasible. 9/11 was exploited to launch an open-ended, perpetual "war on terror," actually a war against any and all enemies the US government may designate. The case of Iraq shows that the target countries of this war need have nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.
The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were both planned and prepared in advance of September 11th, with the apparent motive of gaining geostrategic advantage and seizing vital resources. The architects of the Iraq invasion within the Bush administration had earlier been members of the Project for a New American Century. In the PNAC manifesto of September 2000 ("Rebuilding America's Defenses"), they admitted that the American people would be unwilling to pay the stiff price for US global hegemony, full-spectrum military dominance, and the imposition of a new order in the Middle East - unwilling, that is, in the absence of a catalyzing event, an epochal lesson such as a "new Pearl Harbor."
9/11 put the nation on a permanent war footing, allowed the extension of secrecy doctrines, and temporarily deified the President. The unprecedented public fear was stoked and exploited to allow a roll-back of domestic rights and liberties, as had long been advocated by key members of the Bush administration (and their allies in both major parties). 9/11 allowed the designation of "enemy combatants" in violation of international law; preventive detention and the open use of torture; the activation of long-standing "shadow government" plans; the passage of measures officially undermining constitutional government; and a wholesale re-definition of US geopolitics and American society itself.
Perhaps most important of all to potential conspirators, trillions of dollars in spending priorities were predictably shifted from "butter" to "guns" in the years after September 11th, unleashing a new wave of growth and profiteering in the war and security industries. 9/11 became a pretext for economic crisis management and transformation under the cover of war and counterterror.
From the beginning, those who doubted the official story saw the potential for achieving a different kind of global transformation. By exposing the great fraud to the public, the 9/11 dissidents hoped to reverse the policies adopted after September 11th; to end the wars; to reveal a long and sordid history of covert operations, black budgets and hidden economics; to wake up the American people to the reality of the globalist drive to corporate feudalism, which is destroying the natural environment and the lives of the planetary majority; and to motivate the people to act against this sea of troubles.
The first two years after September 11th saw the rise of the Families' Movement , which kept the issue of the "unanswered questions" alive, and which forced the creation of the official 9/11 Commission. The Bush administration acted to delay, stonewall and starve all official investigations - with the complicity of the mainstream media, who ignored the festering questions or at best ridiculed those who asked them.
Many signs confirmed that there was indeed a 9/11 Cover-up: outrageous conflicts of interest within official investigating bodies, such as the appointment of Henry Kissinger and then Philip Zelikow to the 9/11 Commission; destruction of evidence; the silencing of whistleblowers; and the promotion of the very officials who were responsible for the supposed failures of September 11th. For many, the 9/11 cover-up itself became the smoking gun pointing to wrongdoing: the untenable excuses of massive serial incompetence; the endless coincidences; the insulting fairy tale that "no one could have imagined planes as weapons"; the omission and suppression of any evidence contradicting the official story.
The 9/11 truth movement evolved alongside the families' movement. By the time of the second anniversary, in September 2003, the 9/11 skeptics network was able to draw thousands of participants to research conferences in New York City, Berlin, London, Toronto, the Bay Area, Durham NH, and other cities. March 2004 saw the "Citizens' Inquiry into 9-11: Phase One" at the historic Herbst Theater in San Francisco (where the UN Charter was signed). Researchers and dissidents from many cities and countries flocked to the movement's first great summit, achieving the first breakthroughs in the US mainstream media. The 9/11 truth movement entered American politics as a growing presence.
On the final days of the San Francisco conference, veterans of the previous two years of actions and energetic newcomers came together to contemplate how to:
- boost the resources available for 9/11 truth activism;
- sharpen the message and coordinate actions;
- conduct a national campaign for 9/11 truth, keeping in mind that full disclosure is likely to trigger enormous global transformations.
These meetings resolved to create a formal organization to serve these ends. As a result, was launched in June 2004. (The web site at had already served the movement as a switchboard and events calendar under the name of "9/11 Truth Alliance." That name is still shared by certain local activist groups, as in the Bay Area.)
Under its first executive director David Kubiak and current executive director Janice Matthews, has been ahead of major developments, breaking exclusives, promoting the best in research and action, and orchestrating coups like the Zogby 9/11 poll of August 2004, which found that a majority of New York City residents believe government leaders were in some way complicit in 9/11.
The skeptical paradigm is now the subject of a dozen well-researched books and, since 2004, "Justice for 9/11," a citizens' complaint and petition to the New York State Attorney General, sponsored by, 911CitizensWatch and World Trade Center Environmental Organization. The petition demands a grand jury be convened to investigate the still-unsolved crimes of September 11th (see
With each passing year, the case for complicity has only become stronger. Since 2001, a wealth of new evidence has been accumulated on issues such as:
- the wargames and terror drills of September 11th, which appear to have provided the cover and means by which air defenses were circumvented and an inside job was executed;
- the thorough surveillance of the alleged hijackers by US and allied intelligence agencies for many years in advance of 9/11, including a stunning 2005 admission that a military program was keeping track of Atta and the other alleged ringleaders (Able Danger);
- the construction of "Osama Bin Ladin," "Abu Musab Zarqawi" and other alleged masterminds of terror through video fakery and at-times absurd propaganda; and
- the mounting evidence that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were indeed destroyed by explosives planted in the buildings.
As its record of achievement shows (see below), has proven extraordinarily effective in reaching the public, sparking involvement and raising awareness of deception, cover-up and the need for investigation and action.
One of my brothers responded to this email with the following:
First of all you have way too much time on your hands if you are actually buying into the whole conspiracy theory BS about 9/11. But, lets just say, that just maybe you come across something that legitimately has solid grounding on actually proving any of the 9/11 conspiracy theories; What good is that gonna do any of us?? Are you hoping to tear apart this country and the government that runs it and ruin my chance of having a good family life and protecting them?? Maybe you would be better off in a different country if you feel so intent on finding reasons to blame our country's leaders for the deadliest attack on our country's soil?? I don't like Bush any more than the next democrat, but that still doesn't mean I need to find a way to call him a mastermind of 9/11!
Bottom line is that you are putting these idiotic thoughts into peoples minds' that can't think for themselves and it's down right wrong and quite frankly immoral. Support your country (you know, the country that lets you look at all your online porn, do what you want, etc).
Again, sorry Jason, but I feel very strongly about this (in my opinion BS) as well as all the religious nut-bags in the world. We would all be so much better off if the idea of religion never entered the thinking minds of our species. You are never going to prove the theory one way or the other, whether you are talking about politics or religion. Leave it alone and philosophize about something that betters our people.
this is my response to him:
Thanks for the personal reply tim, I appreciate you taking the time to write me a thoughtful response. I have a few things to say, first off, I guess I want to say that I don't want to buy into 'the whole conspiracy theory bs about 9/11' as you put it. My grandfather was at Pearl harbor, my dad was in vietnam and part of the special forces, I even got a scholarship from the special forces association to go to grad school this year. all my life i was raised with a great love in my heart for this country and what it stood for, probably much more than most people because of my dad and the way i was raised. my dad is like a war hero (at least that's how he seemed to me when i was young) and i went to a lot of his veteran's conventions and met a lot of really great former soldiers and patriots of this country. So the last thing i want to do is be unpatriotic or somehow damage this country in anyway. But it is because of this fact that I sent out this email. Let me explain.
If you actually look at the official story of 9/11 and what happened, you will find that there are a lot of inconsistencies and coincidences that just don't make sense. cheif of them being for me the fact that norad stood down, let me repeat myself here, NORAD, the organization whose sole purpose it is is to prevent stuff like 9/11 from ever happening in the first place, was nowhere to found on that day. it was 75 minutes between the time the first plane hit and the last plane hit the pentagon. norad's behavior on this day is unprecedented in the history of the us military. because of this, there are two conclusions one can come too. either this is the grossest incompetence in us military history or there is something more here than meets the eye and somebody high up on the government ladder wanted this to happen. i don't know how you can come to any other conclusions. i really don't think it's the former, so i think it was the ladder.
also, you call it bs, but have you really done any research in regard to any of this stuff. how do you explain all the inconsistencies in the story. there are a lot, i mean a lot more than the norad example which were listed in the email. if you would like to explain to me the inconsistencies in the story, i would be glad to hear them and will take them into consideration.
you then ask 'What good is that gonna do any of us??' well, i can think of a lot of good it will do us, namely, preventing another terrorist attack either perpertrated by or let happen by our government. what happens if these people aren't held accountable, want more power, and decide to nuke chicago or let a nuke happen in chicago? my dad works there, you work there, all of our brothers work there, and the fucking bears work there. how am i suppossed to feel if i just sit idly by and let something like this happen by not holding these people accountable or telling others what i believe to be the truth? we both know how i would feel and i wouldn't be able to live with myself if i did nothing to try and prevent this.
of course i don't like bush and what he is doing with this country, but the problem is not just with him. both high ranking democrats, republicans, military men, corporate people and media know the truth and have benefitted immensely from 9/11. it's not a democrat republican issue, it is about the people with the most power taking advantage of us, the people with no power. my religious convictions teach me to stand up to the people in power for the people that have no power. somebody has got to hold power accountable, especially somebody who has chosen the profession that I have. if philosophers don't hold the powerful accountable for their actions, who will. i feel like that is what i am doing.
you also say that 'Bottom line is that you are putting these idiotic thoughts into peoples minds' that can't think for themselves and it's down right wrong and quite frankly immoral.' i think you sell short your fellow man and i think that these people are the problem, the people that don't think for themselves and just swallow hook line and sinker anything the king tells them is the truth. what if I am right, then it is these people, these red and blue voters who can't think for themselves that are exactly the people that i need to reach to show them what the truth is.
you also say 'Support your country' and then go on to give examples of our freedoms that make our country great. don't you know that ever since 9/11 this power elite has been curtailing our freedoms at every opportunity? doesn't it bother you that if the president deems you an enemy combatant, that he can literally throw out the consitution and due process and the bill of rights and all the things that make this the greatest country in the world and hold you indefinitely until you die just for speaking your mind or disagreeing with governmental policy? doesn't this shredding of the constitution bother you in the least? can't you see how all this stuff was connected with 9/11 and the people who benefitted the most from it isn't bin laden or al queda, but the power elites in our own country and government? my father took an oath when he became a soldier to defend the constitution of the usa from enemies both foreign and domestic. i'm not saying that there are not terrorists out there who want to do us harm. their most definitely are. but what happens when the biggest threats to our constitution aren't the terrorists, but our government itself? i would be dishonoring my father's and grandfather's sacrifice and all the veterans of all the wars we ever fought if I didn't speak out about the enemies of our constitution, regardless of whether they live in saudi arabia or in washington dc.
as strongly as you feel about religion and politics, i feel for our constitution. it is quite literally i believe the greatest document in the world, probably better than any sacred scripture or whatever. i am doing other philosophizing to better our people as well, but also believe that this, in the long run, will better our people by calling out and holding accountable the enemies of the very document that makes our people and this country the greatest in the world. to do any less, for me, would be to agree with what these people are doing to and to disgrace the vision of our founders. i'm sorry that this is so long, but i wanted to explain myself to you because i respect you, much more than I respect a lot of our brothers, and feel very strongly about this issue as well. i guess at this point we can agree to disagree about 9/11 and just try to get on from there. again, i appreciate your response and thanks for reading mine. talk to you soon, a-b, jason
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